How is coaching different from therapy?
Coaching is focused on looking at the facts of our lives today and using those as a way to determine how to move toward our goals.
Therapy, on the other hand, generally investigates the feeling or background info that may lead to today.
Said differently, therapy focuses on the "Why," as in "Why is this happening?" and answers that by exploring the past.
Whereas, coaching focuses on the "How," as in "How can I reach my goals?" and answers that by looking at the present and working towards future goals.
Coaching is a great choice if you’d like to work on:
Setting healthy boundaries
Time management
Identifying personal values & needs
Emotional Awareness
Stress management
Initial Consultation
3 x 50 minutes sessions (virtual or via telephone)
Between session support via text
Initial Consultation
1 x 50 minute focused session (virtual or via telephone)
Text support for one week, following our session
© 2022 Your Wellness Coach